

作者:谷主2020 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:38.2万


书名:最后的秘境六死神之光 作者:谷主2020 字数:12524 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:46:01

布莱特平时听中文都是听得不明不白,但凯丽的这句话,他却听得完完整整,当真是被吓得三魂七魄都飞出了躯体之外,惊恐万状地问道:“My god! Are they really going to execute us?(我的天!他们真的要处死我们吗?)”

凯丽点头道:“Yes, that's what they mean.(是的,他们话中的意思就是这样。)”

布莱特祷告道:“What can we do about it? Oh, god help me, amen!(这可怎么办?噢,上帝保佑,阿门!)”

高晓飞看了他一眼:“What are you?Even if they were to execute us, wouldn't we run?The feet are growing on us.(你阿什么门?就算是他们真的要处死我们,我们不会逃吗?脚在我们身上长着呢。)”

布莱特:“But how do we escape?(可我们怎么逃?)”

高晓飞周围看了一下,笑道:“Do you think this place can really trap us?I think your IQ is about the same as a skeleton!(你认为这里真能困得住我们吗?我看你的智商也就和骷髅人差不多!)”

“I just don't know when the sick skeleton will wake up.(只是不知道,那个生病的骷髅人什么时候才能够醒过来?)”凯丽看着渐渐暗下来的天空说。

“He'll wake up, just not before dawn!(他会醒过来的,只是不一定会是在天亮之前!)”问天感叹了一下。


布莱特叹了一声,摇头苦笑道:“If he wakes up after two days, we'll all be dead!(要是他两天后才醒过来,那我们说不定都死好几回了!)”

高晓飞道:“Have you died many times? So long?(你有好几回死吗?有这么长命吗?)”

布莱特叹道:“We shouldn't have saved him. Maybe the skeleton just shut us in for a day or two. The patient would have died anyway.(我们就不应该救他,也许骷髅人只是把我们关上一天两天,那个病人本来就会死去。这下倒好,我们转眼就会变成了杀人凶手!)”

“Probably!(或许吧!)”问天感叹道,“He is able to wake up, but this is only a temporary, his illness can be completely cured, is still unknown!(他是能够醒过来的,但这也只是暂时而已,他的病能不能彻底治好,还是一个未知数!)”

“Why is that? Wasn't he just a regular flu?(为什么?难道他不是普通的流感吗?)”凯丽疑惑地问。

问天摇了摇头:“I had also thought just the flu, but when I carefully check, found that is not so simple, perhaps, he is another kind of new virus infection, but I can't give the virus definition, just feel, and that of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in China and Africa before ebola alike, should be by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites such as microbial infection caused by inflammation of the lungs(我本来也以为只是流感,但当我仔细检查的时候,发现并不是那么简单,或许,他感染的是另一种新型病毒,但我无法给这种病毒定义,只是感觉到,这和以前在中国的非典和非洲的埃博拉很相似,应该都是通过由细菌、病毒、真菌、寄生虫等微生物感染所引起的肺部炎症。)”

高晓飞问道:“Is it difficult to treat?(这种病很难治吗?)”

问天默默地点了点头:“According to my preliminary diagnosis, this is likely to be a new type of infectious pneumonia, the condition can be mild or severe, mainly cough, cough sputum, fever, chills, can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulties and other symptoms, critical patients may also shock, syncope, blood pressure drop, loss of consciousness, even life-threatening!(据我初步的诊断,这很可能是一种新型的传染性肺炎,病情可轻可重,主要有咳嗽、咳痰、发热、寒战,可伴有恶心、呕吐、呼吸困难等症状,危重患者还可能出现休克、晕厥、血压下降、意识丧失,甚至危及生命!)”

布莱特问道:“Is there any medicine out there that can treat this virus?(那外面有没有可以治疗这种病毒的药品?)”

问天沉默了一下,说道:“If this is a kind of emerging infectious virus, then won't have any specific targeted at present, and the virus infectivity is very strong, so I suspect that the tribe is more than a person infected with the virus, but there are a lot of people have been infected, because these viruses have the incubation period, just no one-time outbreak came out.(如果这真是一种刚出现的传染性病毒,那么目前肯定不会有任何针对性的特效药,而且这种病毒的传染性非常强悍,所以我怀疑,部落里不止是一个人感染了这种病毒,而是有很多的人都被感染了,因为这些病毒有潜伏期,只是没有一次性暴发出来罢了。)”

凯丽问道:“If so, where did these viruses come from?How did these skeletons get infected?(如果是这样的话,那么这些病毒是从哪里来的?这些骷髅人又是怎么被感染上的?)”

问天道:“Remember that vampire bat we met last time?Bats carry the virus.(还记得我们上次遇到的吸血蝙蝠吗?蝙蝠的身上就携带有这种病毒。)”

布莱特疑惑地说道:“The curse of death! Was the skeleton man bitten by a bat?(是死神的诅咒!难道,骷髅人是被蝙蝠咬到了?)”

问天摇了摇头:“Bats are the carriers of the virus, but there are many carriers. Almost all wild animals may be the carriers of the virus.(也不是直接被蝙蝠咬到了才会感染上病毒,蝙蝠只是病毒的携带者,而传播者却很多,甚至几乎所有的野生动物都有可能是病毒的传播者。)”

“Oh my god! This is terrible!(天哪!这太可怕了!)”高晓飞不由得惊呼起来。

布莱特摇着头,恐慌地说:“Uncle!If that's what you're saying, we're dead if we stay. We'll just have to get out of here overnight.(叔叔!如果真像你说的这样,那我们留下来就真的是死定了,我们只有连夜逃出这里。)”

问天看了看凯丽,又看了看高晓飞,再看了看布莱特,仰起头来,一声长叹:“We had no choice but to get out first!(我们毫无办法,也只有先逃出去了!)”

“Shall we go now?(那我们现在就走吗?)”布莱特问道。

问天摇了摇头:“Going out now, it was inevitable that there would be another fierce fight.(现在出去,免不了又是一番激斗。)”


问天感叹道:“I don't want to kill anyone. Besides, it can be very dangerous to go through the jungle at night. The terrain here is very difficult for us to break through.(我不想多伤人命,更何况,晚上穿越丛林会非常危险。这里地形复杂,我们很难闯得出去,我们先好好休息,天亮前夕,是他们最困乏的时候,我们再行动。)”






“The river!(到河边了!)”布莱特兴奋地说着,当先奔了过去。


问天说道:“As I observed yesterday, skull and bones are also using outside tools, so presumably this is not very far from the human settlement. Just follow the river and you should be able to get out.(我昨天观察过,骷髅人也在用外面的工具,所以可以推测,这里离人类的居住地不会很远,顺着河流一直走,应该就能出去。)”


















“Get on the boat, the skeleton will soon catch up with you.(快上船,骷髅人很快就会追上来的。)”布莱特站在独木舟上焦急地催促着。

“Brett! You and so on.(布莱特!你等等。)”高晓飞回头冲他一吼。

“What's going on here?(这又是怎么了?)”布莱特莫名其妙地摊了摊双手。

凯丽转过头去,对着布莱特说:“Brett! We're staying. We're not leaving.(布莱特!我们要留下来,不走了。)”

“What? Oh god, are you serious?(什么?噢上帝,你是说真的?)”当布莱特得知问天他们要留下来帮助骷髅人治疗病毒后,差点儿没有被吓得晕过去。

“We determined to stay and help the skull tribe control the new pneumonia virus.(我们确定了,留下来帮助骷髅部落控制新型肺炎病毒。)”

“No, no, no, we can't stay, they'll kill us!Why did we go back when we had a hard time getting out?(不不不,我们不能留下来,他们会杀了我们的!我们好不容易才逃了出来,为什么还要回去?)”布莱特一个劲地摇头。

问天感叹道:“Although the skeleton people are still in the primitive state, but everything here tells the vicissitudes of the history of the skeleton tribe and the inheritance of thousands of years.Today, with the continuous development of society, we have to sigh that these rare tribes still retain their own way of survival and art of life in thousands of years of historical changes. Isn't this a powerful spiritual force?Can we bear to see them go extinct?(骷髅人虽然还处在原始状态之中,但这里的一切,都在诉说着骷髅部落的沧桑历史和千年传承。在社会不断发展的今天,不得不感叹,这些稀有部落在几千年的历史变迁中,仍然保留着自己的生存方式与生活艺术,这难道不是一股强大的精神力量吗?难道我们就忍心眼睁睁地看着他们走向灭绝吗?)”

布莱特:“A primitive tribe, unwilling to accept modern civilization, is difficult to survive, even without this disease, sooner or later will disappear.(一个不愿意接受现代文明的原始部落,本来就很难生存,就算没有这种病毒,迟早也会消失的。)”

问天摇了摇头,说:“But this is not just a simple infection. It is a new type of pneumonia that is emerging.Here is only the source of infection, should still be in the early stage, if the prevention and control is not good to spread out, the virus will be a long straight into, when it will even sweep the world, will be extended into a pandemic, it will be a terrible scene!Shocking!So it's not just a matter of a primitive tribe, it's a matter of humanity.(但这并不仅仅是一场简单的传染病毒,而是一种刚出现的新型肺炎病毒,如果控制不住而传播到城市,那就会在每个国家传播;这里只是传染的源头,应该还是在初期,如果防控不好传播出去,病毒就会长驱直入,到时候甚至会席卷全球,将会演变成为一场灭世瘟疫,那将是一个怎样的惨景!触目惊心啊!所以,这不仅仅只是一个原始部落的事情,而是关系到全人类。)”

布莱特:“Can't modern medicine control the virus and stop the infection?(现代医学这么发达,难道就不能够控制病毒而阻止传染吗?)”

问天:“You can't stop it, because the virus is merciless. It doesn't matter what race you are, what regime you belong to, which camp you belong to.(阻止不了,因为病毒是无情的,它不管你是什么种族,什么政权,隶属哪个阵营,当它出现时,它就是全人类的敌人,谁都责无旁贷。)”

布莱特:“They're going to kill us, and you're going to save them!(他们要杀了我们,而你却要救他们!)”

问天:“Once this virus gets out, it's going to be a war, and I just don't want to see it evolve into a world war, or world war iii, but it's not going to be a human-human internecine war, it's not going to be an alien invasion, it's going to be an all-out attack.The first two world wars, because of human greed and ambition, killed people, mainly guns, tanks, planes and other weapons.But this time, it will be an indiscriminate attack, invisible, untouchable, regardless of nationality or race;More horrible is to kill invisible, after the human being is infected, more conducive to the spread of the virus, everywhere is the battlefield, will be an extremely tragic massacre!(这种病毒一旦传播出去,就会是一场战争,我只是不想看到病毒演化成一场世界大战;或者说,这就是第三次世界大战,但不再是人类与人类的自相残杀,也不是外星人突然入侵地球,而是病毒对人类发动的全面进攻。前两次世界大战,原因是人类的贪婪和野心,杀人的,主要是枪炮坦克飞机等武器。但这一次,将会是病毒无差别的攻击,看不见、摸不着,不分国籍、不分种族;更恐怖的是杀人于无形,人类被传染后,更有助病毒传播,处处都是战场,将会是一场极其惨烈的大屠杀!)”

布荚特:“If that happens, what can we do?(如果真到了那一刻,那我们又有什么办法?)”

问天:“So, we have to control the source of the virus, we have to really unite, this is an irregular war, our only enemy is the virus.And to win this war, we need the cooperation of all people;After all, we are all of the same kind. We all live on the same planet. How can we be greedy, beggar-thy-neighbour and infighting?(所以,我们更必须要控制住病毒的源头,必须真正联合起来。这是一次非常规的战争,我们唯一的敌人,就是病毒。而要赢得这场战疫,需要所有人的共同携手;我们毕竟都是同类,我们都生活在同一个地球,难道还要贪欲无限、以邻为壑、勾心斗角吗?)”

布莱特:“But they're going to kill us. Is that the right thing to do?(可他们要杀了我们,这也该救吗?)”

问天感叹道:“Animals pity, let alone humans!(动物尚且怜悯,更何况是人类!)”

布莱特:“We can not go back, can not be here, as if we have not found this potential virus, we are not the savior, no obligation to save the world!(我们可以不回去,可以当作没有来过这里,当做没有发现这种潜在的病毒,我们不是救世主,没有义务拯救世界!)”

问天:“This is a mission, an unfinished mission that can overshadow an entire life. God will never give you a mission without giving you time to accomplish it.(这就是使命。一种未完成的使命会使整个人生默然失色,上帝绝不会只赋予你使命,而不给你时间去完成。)”

布莱特一摊双手说:“But what can we do?We have no medical equipment, no medicine, nothing!And in the midst of the skull hunt.(可我们能做什么?我们没有医疗器械,没有药品,什么也没有!而且还处在骷髅人的追杀之中。)”

“In such an environment, western medicine is bound to be helpless, but traditional Chinese medicine can show its skills, and it is full of medicinal materials.(在这样的环境中,西医肯定会束手无策,但中医却能展示技能,而且这里遍地都是药材。)”

“But we're not doctors! There is no duty to save!(可我们不是医生!并没有救人的义务!)”

“But as human beings, we have a mission.(但我们是人,就得有做人的使命。)”


“Brett!We've decided to stay. You go alone. Be careful on your way.(布莱特!我们已经决定留下来了,你自己一个人走吧,路上小心点,我们会替你阻挡追过来的骷髅人。)”凯丽走到岸边,缓缓地把独木舟推向河中。

“No!(不!)”布莱特大喊道,“We can escape from danger, can not go back, clearly know a return to will die, why go retrograde?Why go back to die?(我们可以脱险的,可以不回去的,明明知道一回去就会没命,为什么还要逆行?为什么还要回去送死?)”

问天看了看高晓飞,又看了看凯丽,对着布莱特感慨地说:“Because, people live, not only for the sake of living itself, but also to live a good and good, but also should remember the original heart and mission of being human.(因为,人活着,不仅仅是为了活着本身,还应该活出美好和善意来,更应该牢记生而为人的初心和使命。)”

“Brett! Good luck to you. Good luck to us. Bye.(布莱特!祝你好运,也祝我们好运,再见。)”凯丽含着泪水对着独木舟上的布莱特挥了挥手,转身向着问天和高晓飞走去。

布莱特呆呆地坐在独木舟里,心中茫然若失,任由着独木舟缓缓地飘向河心。他的耳边,又激荡地响起了问天刚才说过的话:“Animals pity, let alone humans!(动物尚且怜悯,更何况是人类!)”

“Because, people live, not only for the sake of living itself, but also to live a good and good, but also should remember the original heart and mission of being human.(因为,人活着,不仅仅是为了活着本身,还应该活出美好和善意来,更应该牢记生而为人的初心和使命。)”

“But as human beings, we have a mission.(但我们是人,就得有做人的使命。)”

“But as human beings, we have a mission.(但我们是人,就得有做人的使命。)”

“But as human beings, we have a mission.(但我们是人,就得有做人的使命。)”布莱特突然一惊而醒,胸口激烈地起伏着,心里一个劲地在说着:“I can't just go, I can't just go, I can't, I can't!(我不能就这样走了,不能就这样走了,不能,绝不能!)”


























