

作者:巧姐儿张 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:31.9万

第四十一章 我回来了(下)

书名:双语生命隧道 作者:巧姐儿张 字数:11365 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:45:58


Chapter 41 I Come Back(B)

Louise knew that it can't hide then haltingly to reveal the truth, she said: ‘This matter for you, it can be difficult to... to accept, I also feel... some unfair, um... I want to wait for Emily who she will explain to you, I think... It she might know better than I do.’




‘I know what it was caused by the phone that she calling yesterday, isn't it?’

‘Yes,’ said Louise get up the courage, ‘she told me that her grandfather Thomas Ward will come back.’

‘What did you say?’ Small Thomas nervously got up from the sofa, ‘Besides me, Emily also has another grandpa named Thomas ? It's not possible?’


‘In fact, you aren't Emily's grandfather, although you almost exactly to be the same as he was a child, of course, you are not the one who lived with me for decades the Thomas.’




Small Thomas paralysis was sitting on the sofa, complexion to be a bit pale. ‘I don't fancy that even you betrayed me!’

‘My dear, please listen to me for explaining.’

Small Thomas angered and ran out of the room.



‘Where are you going?’ Louise behind shouted. She said to the guard who was at the door: ‘Come on, stop him!’

Small Thomas ran fast but on the stairs hit a person. He looked up to see that it is Emily.




‘What's the matter with you?’ Emily asked.

‘You don't me!’ Small Thomas of eyes shining with tears, he said sadly.

‘How don't you? It just is what the matter came to with the surprise. Let's go, I have something to tell you.’


They returned to the room of just now, in front of Louise, Emily told the Small Thomas on the truth of the matter. At last she said: ‘Mr Ward he can accept you, can't you accept him? You come from him and you are the reproduction of him. Where are you to come from if without him? You should respect him. Although you are not the Thomas Ward himself, you compare with him what you have all of his advantages, including the rich experience in life and excellent ability of financial management.’




‘Yes!’ Louise said, ‘In the last few days he netted forty-three million from the New York stock market.’

‘Wow!, Really a lot of!’ Emily continued, ‘ As well as you have the young life that he hasn't, and you have a great future. My whole family will not abandon you, and you are the member of the family of Ward, now you can still do what you want to do.’ In the end she said to Louise, ‘Grandma, you say it is not?’

"Of course." Louise said firmly.




Small Thomas at this moment mood has calmed down. He said: ‘It seems that I can only accept the reality, however, even though I have the same content with Mr Ward's body and soul, I'm still not Thomas Ward, then who am I? Do I have to go back to the Sherman’s glass bottle?’

‘It's not possible,’ Emily thought for a moment then to say, ‘you can only be yourself, not other people.’

‘I am just myself?’ Small Thomas said with wrying **ile, ‘It doesn't even have a name that can be used.’



‘You don't try so hard, now that you have been a member of our family, no one can ignore the existence of you, I think, we can find a reasonable solution.’

Small Thomas looked at Emily after a while and said, ‘Emily, you have grown up, do you still remember? While you six years old, you and your father, mother and I together...’ Small Thomas stopped and reluctantly changed words, ‘It was with Mr Ward, on holiday in the Canary, you made a sand castle on the beach, but water submerged it when high tide, you were crying to say toward me, ... no to me but to be toward to Mr Ward, you said, 'my house is without. Now my feel that is alike as you at that time.’



Emily didn't speak what she didn't know how to comfort him.

Another day had gone, and almost everyone knew that the true owner of the Villa Autumn would come back, guys were waiting tiptoe. Almost as well as the day of Small Thomas to come back, person who should come all were on scene. Everyone looked very happy, especially Clement was in the very good mood.




A quarter past nine, with the cheers of the crowd, still the senior BMW brand diamond type 201 car firmly to come over, driver was Stevens.

After the car stopped, Maria to assist with Mr Ward off the automobile.

Louise greeted by first. ‘My dear, I thought I really never see you again.’ She said and tears rolled off down.




‘I am this to be not to come back?’

After Mr Ward saw briefly with his family then he looked around. Emily knew who he is looking for, just to embrace up Small Thomas. Mr Ward looked at him with surprise and stroked his arm. He said: ‘yes, that's right.’

The person who thought in the Villa Autumn would be a farce, they were very disappointed in the day, two Ward got along well with each other and nothing to happen. It was in order to distinguish between the two Thomas Ward, Small Thomas formally to call the name what Thomas Ward II from now on.



A few days later Emily returned to Nassau, she was on the doorway of Fairy Meets Restaurant where it was in Monterrey Street to meet the Clark who already waiting here. They hugged each other like long-lost lovers both entered the restaurant.

Thomas II also left the Villa Autumn to come to the Almeria of Spain to visit again.



After half a month, all the kidnapping of victims that including all in hibernation of the victims who the police seized in San Francisco and other areas more than one hundred and fifty had received rescue. For those children who were regarding as leather jacket by the Bethe Douglas Company, the US government decided to solicit worldwide the families that it wanted to adopt their.

Soon, in the south island of Nicholas, something of unexpected happened. In the system of The Tunnel of Life, on the tenth of X month computer virus broke out, the virus destroyed most of the data in hard disk, The Tunnel of Life paralyzed.


On the days that to clear the system of The Tunnel of Life, people neglected a networked PC that was in the office of Sherman. According to ****ysis of the data to show that before the day of accident to be Sherman's birthday, on this day, if not to input to the PC a group of special data which called antitoxin, then the PC viruses on the second day will infect all the computers in the system, and to after ninety minutes to taken ill, it was clearly a preset tricks of Sherman.


Worse that it was coming, the south island Nicholas said, there was a computer expert who before proposed to backup the information of the computer system. However, by reason of any operation that to replicate this program is sensitive, it must be approved by the White House Special Committee, expert proposal has been shelved temporarily, so that when the accident happened, everyone was helpless nail-biting.


For The Tunnel of Life, the news media after more than half a month in the tracking report, the ripple had gradually to tend to be quiet. In academia, however, the dissensions with more lasting still let person be flushed for the dispute. Whether Mr Thomas II is the product of rejuvenation of Mr Ward, that is the focus of the debate.


One day a month later, Mr Ward pleased Thomas II to go his study and said to him, ‘It must be admitted that we are two people, but the two people to be the same in many ways. It is because of this so I need to talk to you individually, at present, now my body is getting worse, and sooner or later I will leave this world, but delighted, people can continue to see me on you.


‘I will give you five percent shares in the company, in addition, last month you had helped Louise to gain forty-three million in the stock market, I take half of them, which is twenty-one million and five hundred thousand dollars to you, it is the future development of the capital for you. I know you and never doubt of your ability, I think that this arrangement is enough for you, think at the beginning my father and I are in the business the condition far worse.’



‘Thank you, Mr Ward,’ said Thomas II, ‘I will let your spirit live forever.’

‘Well! Now you are in age is still **all, I suggest that you go back to school and from there, again to establish your new social relations, good luck to you!’


Four months later Mr Ward left the world with heart and kidney exhaustion failure syndrome, and Thomas II also appeared in the funeral procession. Seems to Mr Ward's death did not cause the attention of many people, but everyone began to care more about Thomas II. Many tabloids that keep to track whereabouts and secret of Mr Ward were now targeting again Thomas II. In the minds of many people he seems to be a recent outbreak of a temporary star which it was shining to appear in the heavy sky.

注:[1]电脑病毒—— 一种人为编制的破坏性程序,具有生物病毒可以传染的特征,使不注意“卫生”的电脑受到传染,并在一定的潜伏期后发“病”。

[2] PC—— 个人电脑的英文缩写。
